80 years ago, Maria Montessori already felt that changes and progress were coming around faster and that education played an essential role to help mankind adjust:
“We should not raise our children in today’s world, this world will no longer exist once they grow up.”.
Adjusting is even more essential now that we know our children will have to change jobs several times in their career, maybe change their lifestyle and, while traveling, live with, understand and learn from other cultures. With internet, it is easy to interact and exchange with the world without moving and therefore offers many opportunities to curious and imaginative people.
What is essential to turn a child into an adult at ease in his world is to develop the child’s curiosity, to open up to others, to make them want to discover the world, to love autonomy and social responsibility and to care about his environment.
The key to success is mutual trust between the child and the educator. The child must feel loved, trusting and respected. It is the reassuring way in which the educator watches over him that will liberate his full potential.